March 18, 2013
Dear Brian,
While I realize that people don't necessarily always know the right things to say to someone who is grieving a loss like mine I do have to say there has been nothing that stings quite like someone saying, "I know how you feel. I had to put my dog down recently and I think I know now where you are coming from now."
Don't get me wrong... you know how very deep my love for animals goes. It borders on the excessive at times! However, I can't seem to find a piece of my brain that can understand where that comparison comes into play in this case. You and I both know what it was like to finally have to say goodbye to the loving critters we called our friends from our early childhood until we were nearly out of high school. It was so painful! And to lose another pair of dogs way too young when they accidently jumped off of a bridge near our home and did not survive the fall.
On October 2, 2010 I brought my sweet 7 year old cat, Sophie, to the vet knowing something was really wrong. I would find out that day that she was dying-- her kidneys were beginning to fail. On October 6th 2010 I received the last e-mail I'd ever receive from you; it was quite short and said simply this: "Any word on Sophie?" She remained in the hospital until after your funeral. Treating her at home was going well and she was feeling better for a few months but I eventually had to do the loving thing and give her a peaceful exit on January 29, 2011 only 3 short months after I'd lost you.
I know what it is like to lose pets from illness, tragic injury and old age. I know what it is like to lose a Grandparent quite suddenly and to lose one because it was simply their time to go. I've experienced many kinds of loss in my life but none could begin to hold a candle to the infinite amount of pain left by your death. There isn't a single part of me that feels I could ever understand someone making a comparison to the loss of their 16 year old dog to the suicide death of my only sibling.
I hope this isn't interpreted as a lack of compassion for other losses-- as I truly can empathize with the pain that goes along with losing a pet. But it is excruciating to have that comparison made because I know, having experienced both kinds of loss (and in such a short period of time), that there absolutely IS no comparison.
I just felt like sharing that with you... thanks for listening.