November 8, 2014
Dear Brian,
I've held off on writing about something for a while now... but each time I see the story pop up on Facebook or in the news it triggers a reaction in me that I just feel the need to talk to you about.
The first time I saw the headline it read, "29-Year-Old Woman: Why I'm Taking My Own Life." I really didn't know what to expect upon clicking on the story but it turned out she was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor and does not have long to live. She chose to leave her home in California and relocate in Oregon where they support the "Die With Dignity" cause and it is legal to take your own life with medications in instances of terminal illnesses.
It was a little triggering for me to read the story but more so to read the comments from readers around the world. People had so many horribly judgmental and cruel things to say about this young woman's choice. For as long as I can remember, and from as early an age as one can possibly understand what this choice means, I have supported it. I know that if I were given a death-sentence such as this young woman that I too would want to choose how and when. If I reach the point at which I can no longer move or care for myself and pain continues to grow and snuff out any quality of life I would want to be allowed the freedom to decide how much longer to prolong, or not prolong, the inevitable.
While it's a completely different situation entirely, I have similar (and very controversial) feelings towards suicide. The important difference being that I absolutely don't advocate for suicide but yet I do understand why some people choose it. I think that's precisely the reason that I'm not angry at your choice, Brian; I truly understand it and while I would never have supported you in it or helped you with it... I understand. The thing is, you were in so much pain. Anyone that has been in the position of feeling like a "prisoner in your own body" due to a crippling depression that leaves you praying to the stars each night that you just don't wake up in the morning will understand. It's not a matter of simply "having a bad day" or "losing your job" or "going through a breakup" anymore than it was just a "minor illness" for the woman who chose euthanasia for herself in the end.
In response to her story another woman posted, "My Mom has the same brain cancer diagnosis Brittany Maynard had. She's fighting to live as long as she can." The thing is... she very well may have the same diagnosis but not everyone who has that same cancer will be the exactly same; some might respond better to treatments than others... some might be further along in their illness... some might have been diagnosed more quickly... some might have other factors contributing to their physiological deterioration; it's not fair to judge another person for what they believe to be a "weakness" in giving up hope. In my opinion the same applies to mental illness and suicides. The are people out there who might believe someone is weak for taking their own life and would say, "I get depressed all the time and I don't run out and kill myself... I keep trying." Or, "I've survived way worse than that guy has and look, I haven't given up." There's just no possible way to know absolutely what it is like to be in another person's shoes so judgement in these situations... well, there just shouldn't BE any judgement in these situations.
Brittany Maynard made her choice and on November 2, 2014 she left this world surrounded in peace and the love of her husband and family and I wouldn't dream of judging her for making that choice. I wish her family comfort and appreciate the difficult feelings that must have come up for them in supporting Brittany's decision.
I've said it so many times before, Brian. I understand why you couldn't stay. But I still wish you had.
Love Always,